2009年9月23日 星期三

2009.09.23 CHALLENGE

I met the biggest CHALLENGE of my life today. Before today, I was so nervous! I couldn't sleep and eat. Otherwise, I had a nightmare! I need a psychologic counselor. There were ninety people in the class. It's so many! My heart beat 200 times per minute! I couldn't image they are just woods. I prepared 20 minutes for introducing this program, but I just spent 10 minutes. Did I speak so quickly? I couldn't say anything more. Every second just like an hour, how slow! Go! Go! Go! Janet!

今天面臨了我人生當中的一大挑戰,實習課!前幾天就一直很緊張、很慌張,睡不著覺、吃不下飯、做惡夢啦!我需要心靈治療師。修課人數90人,也太多了吧!不緊張也難,心跳200!完全沒辦法把他們當作是木頭,原本準備好的草稿是20分鐘,我卻只花了10分鐘就講完了,我講話有這麼快嗎???有這麼快嗎?我辭窮了,完全擠不出話來,每分鐘就像一小時這麼久,度日如年呀!Go! Go! Go! Janet!

